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A Brief Discussion on Moral Education Penetration in Physics Teaching

2016-12-26 00:00:00

The notice from the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the reform and enhancement of moral education in primary and secondary schools proposes that "moral education should be linked to the teaching of scientific and cultural knowledge, and should permeate and be integrated into various subject textbooks and teaching processes." In the implementation of the moral education outline, it also clearly states that "teachers of all subjects should teach and educate students, integrating moral education with the teaching content and various links in the teaching process of each subject; Science teaching should focus on cultivating students' scientific spirit of seeking truth from facts and daring to explore, assisting them in further learning and establishing some basic concepts of dialectical materialism. In accordance with the above spirit, I have truly explored the path of moral education infiltration in my physics teaching in the past twenty years and achieved good results. This article briefly discusses some practices and experiences.

1. Conduct dialectical materialism education on one's own by operating physical discipline

The discipline of physics itself contains many philosophical ideas. While teaching common sense, educate students on dialectical materialism and cultivate their scientific worldview and formalism. For example, when talking about celestial behavior: "Since the 1830s, people have discovered nine planets of the sun: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. However, the ninth planet Pluto was eliminated from this family because its orbit was too far from the sun. This reputation is that science is constantly exploring and growing. When talking about energy conversion and conservation laws, students are taught to look at anything with a perspective of transformation and growth. When talking about molecular behavior theory, the behavior of a molecule is completely different from that of a large number of molecules, telling students that everything has commonalities and individualities, and the dialectical unity of quantitative change to qualitative change is not elegant. When talking about particles, uniform linear behavior, spring oscillators, and single molecules, When applying common sense, it is important to incorporate philosophical principles that focus on the primary contradiction of things in the process of analyzing problems. At the same time, it also applies physics discipline to arouse students' desire for imaginative knowledge. When comparing Coulomb's gravity with the form of universal gravity, students are asked to question whether there is a necessary connection between the two expressions. However, no scientist has yet responded. You will be the masters of the technological growth of our country in the 21st century. Our country hopes that you will study the basic knowledge of physics with all your might at this moment, and perhaps one of your classmates will provide answers in the future. The physics formula is concise and rigorous, but its rich and colorful nature is also a material for aesthetic education such as symmetry and coordination. Through the process of formal beauty education, while expanding its internal aspects, a solid foundation has been laid for learning, understanding, and memory. For example, when reviewing Newton's second law F=ma, it is mentioned that it searches for vectority, correspondence, and instantaneity. The student was deeply moved: 'Newton is truly amazing, he collected such rich and colorful content in just three letters.' The student was influenced by the beauty of formulas and content.

Two major discoveries in the history of operational physics, cultivating students' non intellectual identity

When teaching physics knowledge, I always talk about major discoveries in the history of physics and examples that have inspired social progress, in order to cultivate students' non intellectual identity. The ideas, fun, passion, willpower, and attitude towards further education are undoubtedly good exams. Talking about the discovery of Watt's steam engine. Opened the prelude to the Second Industrial Revolution. The discovery of Edison's electric light marked the beginning of the era of electricity for humanity. Archimedes was taking a shower in the bathroom and found that when his body was immersed in water, water would overflow from the edge of the basin. He had a sudden inspiration: Archimedes' law was born from then on. This discovery not only uncovered the mystery of the "yellow crown" that he had been pondering for a long time, but also celebrated the birth of fluid mechanics. The phenomenon of 'apples disappearing from trees and always falling to the ground', which was commonplace in the eyes of giants, gave birth to the law of universal gravitation in Newton's eyes. Galileo discovered the swinging of an oil lamp hanging from the ceiling in the church and was surprised to find that the amplitude of the lamp's swing was decreasing. However, the duration of each swing was almost equal. This is the embryonic form of the main characteristic of the pendulum, "isochronism", which gave birth to the world's first pendulum clock. Kepler's three laws were discovered by Kepler after four years of denying 19 hypotheses. The eighth planet in the solar system, Neptune, is a product of the law of universal gravitation. Through describing the sensitivity and scientific speculation of scientists towards natural phenomena, the spirit of daring to explore, fearlessly facing difficulties, and ultimately discovering the discipline of physics, it has stimulated students' interest in learning physics, encouraged them to establish a scientific spirit, and initially developed a rigorous learning stance. It has also laid the foundation for future scientific research and exploration.

The peaceful deeds of three operating physicists educate students to dedicate themselves to science and serve their country

Newton was the founder of classical mechanics and a giant in the history of physics, but he said, 'That's because I stand on the shoulders of giants.'. Bruno was burned alive by the Catholic Church at that time in order to uphold the "heliocentric theory" of Gorzini. Curie died tragically under the running hooves of horses due to his overthinking. Einstein's ambition came late. Cavendish was hailed as the "person who could measure the mass of the Earth" for attempting to measure the gravitational constant G=6.67x10-~Nm2/kg using a torsion bar. Archimedes only needed a long enough wooden stick to become a person who could 'pry up the earth'. And the nitroglycerin he discovered in his research was used in the Second World War. Archimedes regretted it for the rest of his life. When Qian Xuesen heard the news of the establishment of the People's Republic of China, he broke through the five-year blockade imposed by American imperialism and returned to the embrace of his motherland. These contents are closely related to the characteristics of the textbook and introduced to students during teaching. The spirit of scientists, who are diligent, hardworking, agile, persistent, and dedicated to scientific truth without being raped, has a strong infectious power on students. So as to purify their souls and elevate their thinking. Among the students I teach, there are also those who go abroad, but they all imply that going abroad is just for recharging, in order to learn advanced scientific and technological skills from their predecessors, and to better serve their country

4. Operate on the tremendous achievements of China's technological growth and cultivate patriotic passion

When teaching the content of various articles, teachers should enrich their operations, set up equipment, decorate the colorful pictures and illustrations on the front page of the textbook, and inspire students' patriotic passion. For example, by manipulating the image to reproduce the scene of the first bullet explosion in China, which was filled with cheers and pleasant emotions, students were also moved and aroused an excellent consensus of passion. In April 1970, the first artificial satellite developed by China, Dongfanghong-1, was successfully launched into space. This symbol signifies that China has become the fifth country after the Soviet Union, the United States, France, Japan, to possess research and launch satellite capabilities. In the golden autumn of 2003, China's self-designed spacecraft first sent Yang Liwei into space, creating a history of manned spaceflight. In the golden autumn of 2007, China successfully launched its own designed Chang'e-1 lunar exploration satellite, realizing the millennium dream of the Chinese people. The successful launch of Dongfanghong-1, spacecraft, and Chang'e-1 marks three milestones in the history of China's aerospace industry. It signifies the increasing status of China in the international community. These major affairs, witnessed and easily taken over by students, have strong infectivity and persuasiveness.

5. Linking theory with reality. Enhance the self choice belief of classmates in further education

Five year college students are all excluded from key high schools. Their level is very poor, so their spirit of learning fluctuates and lacks the belief in self choice. Therefore, I used appropriate content from the textbook to inspire their courage, overcome their inferiority complex, and establish a belief in self choice. For example; Explain the concept of acceleration; When the speed changes, tell the students that the growth of China's aerospace industry is acceleration.

For example, when discussing the application of Newton's laws of behavior, there are two situations: when the behavior of an object under force is known, and when the behavior of an object under force is known, it is mainly influenced by reality. The scientific workers who instruct spacecraft to soar can determine the position and speed of the spacecraft at arbitrary moments based on the force situation of the spacecraft. Their problem-solving approach is the same as what we are talking about here, just calculating complexity. So don't underestimate the fact that we are studying high-tech skills here. As long as the masters give their all, perhaps future scientists will be presented in the center. The person in charge of the monitoring room that sent Yang Liwei into space was a classmate of Sun Lijun, who had graduated from our city's No. 8 High School. The No. 8 High School is just a high school wearing a hat. What is the reputation of this. Classmates were laughing heartily, and it was evident that their emotions were high, with faces filled with a sense of aloofness. Also, let classmates make some small attempts, such as using a ruler, a stopwatch, or turning on a faucet to roughly measure the local gravity acceleration. This type of small trial instrument is simple, easy to operate, and relatively successful. It is very helpful in cultivating students' self choice beliefs. The formation of mechanical waves, the difference between transverse and longitudinal waves, the determination of wave velocity, wavelength, and period (frequency), and the specific application of formulas are teaching difficulties. The application of these common sense to reality during the Wenchuan earthquake on May 12th has aroused great joy among students. The day after the earthquake, it was physics class. I first asked the students to describe the scene of the earthquake, and they quickly collected their memories from various aspects. With my guidance and the cooperation of the students, they summarized it as: first fluctuating up and down, then manipulating, and swaying back and forth. What further guidance should I give to this reputation? I will explain the formation process of earthquakes again. Through horizontal analysis, it is found that the seismic waves that occur during earthquake formation include both longitudinal and transverse waves, and the propagation speed of longitudinal waves is faster than that of transverse waves. The implied form of vibration transmitted from the center of the earth to the ground is first fluctuating up and down, then swaying back and forth. The transverse wave is the primary culprit causing building damage. The inspiration we gain from it is to immediately separate when there is a feeling of up and down waves.

6 Closing remarks

In years of physics teaching, we have adhered to the infiltration of moral education. Formally speaking, it is unrelated to the teaching content. In fact, it enhances students' enjoyment of learning physics, clarifies the purpose of learning, establishes a polite stance, and receives scientific practice. This kind of education can be said to be transfer and silent, and is very effective. Not only does it improve students' academic achievements, but it also benefits them for life.


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