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Ningbo Kaidi Science and Education Instrument Co., Ltd

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Teaching instrument manufacturers tell you about common instruments

2023-01-13 00:00:00

    The tray balance produced by teaching instrument manufacturers is a common experimental instrument, mainly made of trays. The crossbeam, balance nut, blade, pointer, weight and other parts are mainly used for measuring the mass of objects in physics experiments, measuring the density of objects and other experiments. The accuracy of physical equilibrium is higher Electronic equality and so on.

Do you know how to use and maintain the balance of the tray? What are the precautions during use?

    Hunan Huitong Renhe Education Technology Co., Ltd. has been focusing on educational equipment for more than 30 years. It is a manufacturer and one-stop procurement point for teaching instruments, educational equipment, and office supplies. Below, we will help you organize the usage guidelines for tray balancing.

    1. Before weighing, set the weight to zero and observe if the balance is balanced. If it is not balanced, adjust the balance nut.

When weighing, follow the principle of "left item, right code". Place the item to be weighed on the left and the weight on the right; Weighing damp and rotten items requires placing them in a container for weighing.

    When moving the QR code, hold the ruler with your left hand and use tweezers with your right hand to move the QR code;

When weighing solid powder, the weight should be placed in advance, and the insufficient part should be supplemented with a swimming code before adding the solid powder. When approaching the predetermined value, hold the spoon containing the medicine with your right hand and touch your right wrist with your left hand to make a small amount of solid powder splash onto both sides for balance.

If more medication is accidentally added to the tray, the original reagent bottle should not be returned and should be placed in the designated container.

    Hunan Huitong Renhe Education Technology Co., Ltd. is a member unit of the China Education Equipment Association and a designated production unit for teaching equipment in Hunan. It has been focusing on educational equipment for more than 30 years. Huitong Renhe is worth choosing!

Hunan Huitong Renhe mainly produces physics teaching instruments such as physics teaching instruments, biology teaching instruments, chemistry teaching instruments, primary school mathematics teaching instruments, etc;

Office furniture and other furniture series, including student beds, cafeteria dining tables and chairs;

Multi functional classrooms and laboratories such as physics laboratories, biology laboratories, maker classrooms, psychological counseling rooms, etc;

One stop educational equipment procurement center, professional affairs, entrusted to professionals!


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